SpOtV Vitals signs (remote controlled simulator)
Designed to be placed over a Welch Allyn Spot Vital Sign Monitor (42NTB) - either a working or not working device.
This simulator allows users to push/show measures directly on the Welch Allyn Spot Vital signs. Systolic, diastolic, heartbeat, oxygen rate, and blood pressure.
With the Bluetooth connection, you can send the data to the device and build realistic training scenarios for training.
This simulator is functional on manikins or simulated patients.
On a single charge, the battery lasts up to four hours of continuous use

To improve the skills of medical staff and make scenario training even more realistic, Innov2Learn is developing simulated medical devices. By practicing with these products, students are better prepared for similar situations in practice. The devices are connected to a main device via a Bluetooth connection (max. distance 15m) and are controlled via an app (Apple iOS/Android). This makes it easy to adjust the measured values on the devices during scenario training. You can operate up to 8 devices at the same time.