CLA verpleegkundige oefenpop kind

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With the Paediatric Nursing Manikin from CLA, you can add an important component to your paediatric nursing education. The CLA Paediatric Nursing Manikin corresponds to an approximately 3 year-old child and is robust and resilient.

Due to the good universal equipment of the CLA Paediatric Nursing Manikin, numerous practice possibilities and nursing functions are available to your future nurses. Optionally, you can choose between light and dark skin colour or Asian appearance to make your training even more diverse.

* This model is available in different skintones


What applications can you implement with the CLA Paediatric Nursing Manikin?

  • General care tasks – such as body care, moving, bedding, positioning, oral and dental care, eye, nose and ear care
  • Wound and catheter care – wound care, PEG care, stoma care, suprapubic bladder tap, tracheostomy care
  • Special procedures – such as cleansing enema/clysma, placement of an intestinal tube
  • Catheterisation and probing – male and female catheterisation, gastric tube placement via nose or mouth, food probing
  • Injections - i.m. injections in the upper arm and thigh, s.c. injections on the abdomen
  • Irrigation – eyes, ears, stomach, bladder
  • Size 90 cm, weight 6 kg